Production and evaluation of mathematical tasks in the tools CalcMe and GeoGebra with future teachers of Primary Education Producción y evaluación de tareas matemáticas en las herramientas CalcMe y GeoGebra con los futuros docentes de Educación Primaria
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This document describes the experience carried out with the educational and technological applications CalcMe and GeoGebra, with future teachers attending the Degree in Primary Education, in the subjects Mathematics and its Didactics II and Mathematics and its Didactics III, during the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. The demand of these students about the solutions of the mathematical exercises that are presented to them and the need to create as many exercises as they need encourages the use of new tools, in the student’s autonomous work both in and out of the classroom. Each student, after the training received in the classroom, was able to self-correct the tasks proposed by the teacher, as well as develop as many new exercises as needed and adapt them to their own learning. All this enhanced the teaching skills of the future teachers.
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