Evaluation of growth potential for carbon sequestration and fixation of two tree species in a Taungya agroforestry system in Rivas, Nicaragua

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Álvaro José González-Martínez
Joel Rojas-Hernández
Ronaldo Martin Jiménez-Gómez
Francisco José Chavarría-Ñamendi


We studied the growth, biomass, potential carbon l fixed and sequestered by two forest species, Tectona grandis (Linn. F) and Bombacopsis quinata (Jacq. Dugand) of 5 years old, in association with Musa balbissiana ABB in SystemTaungya. Planting framework was 1,50 x 6 m. Measurement of variables was performed the first systematic thinning (50% of plants to thin). The biomass and stored carbon was quantified through the destructive method. Both species showed a greater than 83% survival. In total height (10,6 m) and stem (3,4 m), T. grandis was higher by 30%and 36% respectively to B.quinata, however, the latter were higher by more than 32% incup diameter(5,7 m). T.grandis showed the best annual average increase of 2,1m total heightexceeding31% to B.quinata. Specific weight relative to T. grandis showed the highest value (0,57g/cm3), exceeding by more than 83% to B. quinata. No statistical difference was found between species in trade volume (0, 05 m3).The amount of biomass (47,77 Kg MS plant-1), carbon content in vegetation (root, stemand large branches) and carbon storage potential per plant (26,98kg), T. grandis showed the best performance surpassingly 44, 1,7 and 47% to B.quinata respectively. According to the potential for surface carbon fixed by
T.grandis showed the best total estimate (26,7t ha-1) and annual rate (5,34tCha-1 Yr-1), up by 57% to B.quinata.

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How to Cite
González-Martínez, Álvaro J., Rojas-Hernández, J., Jiménez-Gómez, R. M., & Chavarría-Ñamendi, F. J. (2013). Evaluation of growth potential for carbon sequestration and fixation of two tree species in a Taungya agroforestry system in Rivas, Nicaragua. Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú, 11(26), Pág. 12 – 18. https://doi.org/10.18845/rfmk.v11i26.1590
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