Instructions for authors
TRAMA, REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES is an academic, electronic, international journal produced by the School of Social Sciences of the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, based in Cartago, Costa Rica. This journal is published biannually: the first issue covers January-June and is published on February 15; the second issue covers July-December and is published on August 15.
Trama is aimed at researchers, extension workers, teachers, students and the general public.
This is a free and open access journal. Thus, interested persons can submit their proposals for articles without any economic cost, both for the processing, revision and reception of the document, as well as for its eventual publication.
The journal's thematic coverage includes the social sciences, humanities, philosophy, law and related disciplines. From an inter and trans-disciplinary approach, the thematic coverage can also include articles that explore or produce knowledge from the link of these disciplines and fields of knowledge with engineering and natural sciences.
The objectives of the journal are:
1. To build a space for theoretical, methodological, epistemological and practical discussion of social sciences, humanities, philosophy, law and related disciplines with engineering and natural sciences.
2. To communicate knowledge produced from teaching-learning processes, research, extension and social action, according to a dialogue of knowledge, in view of the challenges presented by the contemporary world.
The guidelines for publication in Trama are the following:
1. Articles must be original, unpublished and cannot simultaneously participate in other publication processes.
2. Articles must follow this minimum structure: title, abstract and key words, (all of them in Spanish as well as in a second language, which can be English, French or Portuguese); introduction (with opening, background, purpose, challenge or research problem); theoretical framework, methods and materials (approach and how it was done); results (ordered, classified and systematized data), discussion (highlights or moments of maximum tension, importance and resolution, is what was learned); conclusions (to what extent does the paradigm change thanks to your work? return to the problem identified at the beginning) and/or recommendations; bibliographical references and acknowledgements (if applicable).
3. The length of the papers should range from 15 to 25 pages of 21.5 x 28 cm (8.5 x 11 inches). It should be presented in a Microsoft Word document, with 1.5 line spacing, in one column, in Arial font, 12 pts. Paragraphs should start with an indentation of 1 cm.
4. Titles: The title of the paper should be appropriate, descriptive of the work, attractive, direct, clear; in Spanish and in a second language (English, French or Portuguese).
5. Below the title, it is necessary to clearly indicate the author's name and two surnames (in alphabetical order or according to each person's contribution), profession, e-mail address, place of work or institutional affiliation (institution, department, school or body to which an author is attached or affiliated; full name of the institution), city, country, postal address and e-mail address.
6. The abstract [1] must be submitted in Spanish and in a second language (English, French or Portuguese). The abstract should be composed of 200 to 250 words, condenses and reveals the complexity of the article and includes, for example: Objective, which should answer the research question; Methods and materials (multi/inter/trans/disciplinary); Results and discussion; Stronger conclusion. [2]
7. Keywords[1] must be submitted in Spanish and in a second language (English, French or Portuguese). The key words (maximum 5) do not repeat the words in the title and represent the article well, with synonyms to improve the positioning and search on the Internet.
8. Essay-type articles, topic reviews, or teaching and extension experiences do not require a structured abstract. For these summaries we recommend including a purpose or objective, the synthesis of the main arguments of the content of the article and the fundamental conclusions in a maximum of 250 words.
9. Images (if applicable) should be sent in a separate file from the main document. In case they are scanned, the minimum resolution is 300 dpi. Allowed formats are: .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .psd and .ai.
10. Formulas and mathematical equations (if applicable) must be performed with the Microsoft Office Equation Editor or MathType.
Where applicable, the International System of Units will be used.
11. The bibliography will appear at the end of the document, ordered alphabetically by the author's last name and according to the APA (American Psychological Association) 2010 edition format, which states, among other aspects
- Printed book:
Surname, initials of the author's name (Year of publication). Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication. Publisher.
- Electronic book:
Last name, initials of the author's name. (Year of publication) Title of the book (in italics) Retrieved from http://
Printed magazine articles:
Surname, initials of the author's name. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the journal (in italics), Volume (Number), Number of initial and final page.
Journal articles in electronic version:
Surname, initials of the author's name (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the journal (in italics), Volume (Number), Number of initial and final page. Retrieved from http://
Newspaper articles in electronic version:
Surname, initials of the author's name. (Date, month and year of publication). Title of the article. Newspaper title (in italics). Retrieved from http://
The Scientific and Editorial Council will preferably process the article that meets these requirements.
Articles can be sent to Francisco Javier Mojica Mendieta, Director-Editor of Trama, at the following e-mail address:
Also, articles can be sent through the journal's website:
The originals will be subjected to an editorial process that will be developed in several phases.
1. First, they will be subject to a preliminary evaluation by the members of the Scientific-Publishing Committee and the Director-Editor, who will determine the relevance of their publication.
2. Once it has been established that it meets the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions, it will be sent to two external academic peers to decide anonymously (in a "double blind" condition) whether it should be published, whether it needs changes or whether it is rejected.
3. In the event that both parties disagree, the article will be sent to a third reviewer to make the decision. The results of the academic opinion will be unappealable in all cases.
4. In case the article is approved for publication, the author must authorize in writing through a letter of Assignment of Rights and Originality (download document from: to the School of Social Sciences of the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica to include it in the journal and to edit, reproduce, distribute, exhibit and communicate it in the country and abroad through printed and electronic media under the Creative Commons license.
`5. Once the letter of Assignment of Rights and Originality is approved and received, the philological or style review of the article will proceed. The recommendations will be sent to the author for approval or correction.
6. Afterwards, the article will be diagrammed in the format of the magazine and using the figures provided by the author.
7. Finally, the electronic version will be published on the journal's website ( and will be considered for publication in print.
[1] The UNESCO Thesaurus can be consulted. See:
[2] See: