Blue diplomacy and the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor

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Oscar Ugalde Hernández


As humanity depletes the natural resources on the surface of the planet to sustain the linear developmental-economist system, we are increasingly approaching the last frontier yet to be exploited, such as the oceans. This is how blue diplomacy becomes a new reference framework for international relations for the understanding and analysis of the potential for conflict vs. the potential for cooperation towards ocean resources. This research proposes the following: The epistemological-ontological origins of blue diplomacy are closely intertwined with oceanic hegemony and the balance of power between relevant actors, which in turn allows promoting international cooperation via effective contingent mediation mechanisms. A literary review with a qualitative approach with a documentary-type descriptive design is used to examine the epistemological-ontological origins of the concept of blue diplomacy. Also, the case study of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor proposed by Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Colombia (henceforth the marine corridor) is developed, to understand how effective contingent mediation is applied as a mechanism of international cooperation and global governance. This marine corridor initiative is a successful experience of multilateral and multilevel cooperation that is achieved thanks to the presence of a hegemonic actor with positive leadership and the application of effective contingent mediation between the actors. This facilitates the development of marine protected areas with low or almost no probability of conflict and to achieve sustainability and protection of the global marine commons. However, it is important to look beyond the benefits that blue diplomacy offers with the marine corridor initiative within the region’s context. Latin America (henceforth the region) reflects the territorial, economic and political disputes between Western and non-Western countries, between dominant countries and non-influential ones. This generates suspicion and mistrust between the parties. Could it be that blue diplomacy will become a new Trojan horse for the hegemonic countries as a means of ascension to power?

Keywords: Blue diplomacy, mediation, environmental conservation, marine resources, mediation.

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How to Cite
Ugalde Hernández, O. (2024). Blue diplomacy and the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor. Trama, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades., 12(2), 36–78.