Communalism in Costa Rica. Analisys of the period 1967 to 2020 and important to national development

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Rolando Bolaños Garita


The Community Development Associations (ADC), bourne through Community Development Law 3859, are the basic expression of autonomous-cantonal effort to improve the quality of life of human person into all costarrican territory during 1967-2020 period. Thus, based on our research work at UNED, San José, Costa Rica, we carried out the project of a qualitative-descriptive nature –according to an administrative-governmental perspective–, making use of Grounded Theory design and techniques such as documentary analysis and semi-structured interview to analytically approach these social groups. From there, it´s possible to determine reformist character that ADCs has play into national reality during 1967-2020 period, and emerge as indispensable pieces to built the socioeconomic development in any field that are required (education, health, infrastructure, cultural and environmental rescue, among others). We make a call to national government authorities to strength administrative work of DINADECO, emphasizing in habilities of its workers to align the resources from Public Treasury in the implementation of new economic-business strategies.

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How to Cite
Bolaños Garita, R. . (2022). Communalism in Costa Rica. Analisys of the period 1967 to 2020 and important to national development . Trama, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades., 10(2), 153–191. Retrieved from