Document Development with a Computable Format Using the Wolfram Mathematica Software Desarrollo de Documentos con un Formato Computable Utilizando el Software Wolfram Mathematica

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Enrique Vílchez Q.
Juan Félix Avila H.


This is a tutorial on the construction of CDF‘s (Computable Document Format). It is explained in detail how to elaborate this type of files showing, among other things, definitions, examples and exercises, the description of the most important visual components (or controllers) and their options. It is assumed that the reader has a medium knowledge in the Wolfram language.

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How to Cite
Q., E. V., & H., J. F. A. (2019). Document Development with a Computable Format Using the Wolfram Mathematica Software: Desarrollo de Documentos con un Formato Computable Utilizando el Software Wolfram Mathematica. Revista Digital: Matemática, Educación E Internet, 20(1).