Top pruning in nursery production of Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb., and its effect on carbohydrate concentration and field survival

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Erickson Basave-Villalobos
Celi Gloria Calixto-Valencia
Víctor Conde-Martínez
Víctor M. Cetina-Alcalá


Tree nursery cultural practices are relevant to improve the quality of forest plants used in agroforestry, reforestation, or restoration activities in tropical dry environments, but their effects must be understood to define which ones to implement for a given species. This study evaluates the effect of stem pruning in tree nurseries on morphological quality, carbohydrate concentration, and survival of Enterolobium cyclocarpum plants. Pruning was analyzed together and compared to a control without pruning. With pruning, 50 % of the aerial part was removed and its effect was determined by analyzing several attributes and morphological indices of plant quality and by carbohydrate concentration. Subsequently, a plantation was set up in a pasture, and survival was recorded during the initial establishment period (four months). Pruning reduced values in morphological attributes and indices, but increased carbohydrate concentration in leaves and roots. There were no differences in survival. The results suggest that pruning is not suitable to improve morphological quality. However, the effect on carbohydrate concentration supports its potential as a practice that affects the physiological quality of E. cyclocarpum in the nursery. This has important implications for improving its establishment in plantations in agroforestry, reforestation, or restoration projects in tropical dry environments.

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How to Cite
Basave-Villalobos , E., Calixto-Valencia, C. G., Conde-Martínez , V. ., & Cetina-Alcalá , V. M. . (2023). Top pruning in nursery production of Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb., and its effect on carbohydrate concentration and field survival. Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú, 20(46), 24–39.
Artículos científicos