Classification model in different forest strata in a floodplain environment using artificial neural networks

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Anthoinny Vittória dos Santos Silva
Rodrigo Galvão Teixeira de Souza
Gabriel Victor Caetano Carvalho Liarte
Bianca Caterine Piedade Pinho
Cinthia Pereira de Oliveira
Duberlí Geomar Elera Gonzáles
Robson Borges de Lima
Jadson Coelho de Abreu


The Amazon forest presents different forest strata, due to its heterogeneous structure. In which these strata can vary in upper, middle and lower. Knowledge about the different patterns of vertical structures found in the forest is extremely important for understanding the vegetation dynamics, influencing forest conservation strategies. In order to optimize the process of classifying the different types of strata, the objective of the present work was to use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to classify these strata. Two resilient propagation algorithms (Rprop + and Rprop-) were used, in four different configurations of input variables. The training and testing of the eight RNA models were performed using the R software. The models were evaluated using a confusion matrix. In which models with inputs: HT, DAP and QF; HT, DAP and only HT from the Rprop + algorithm obtained 100% correct answers in the classification of strata. Demonstrating a high rate of learning, reliability and generalization of data.

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dos Santos Silva, A. V. ., Teixeira de Souza, R. G. ., Carvalho Liarte, G. V. C. ., Piedade Pinho, B. C. ., Pereira de Oliveira, C. ., Elera Gonzáles, D. G. ., … Coelho de Abreu, J. . (2022). Classification model in different forest strata in a floodplain environment using artificial neural networks. Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú, 19(45).
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