Revista IDI+ Volumen 2. Issue 2. 2019

Main Article Content

Katherine Mora Guzmán
Josué González-Quirós
Felipe Hidalgo-Arce
Karin Navarro-Morera
María Fernanda Ríos-Hidalgo
Elia Estrada-Ortiz
Tiffany Gamboa-Salas
Denise Szternberg
Antonia Warrin-Browxn
Esteban Hurtado-Aguirre
Gabriel Moya-Ortiz
Adán Rodríguez-Vivas
Camilo Ramírez-Ramírez
Emilio Bermúdez-Koumineva
Marco Antonio Cantillo-Pérez
Gloriana Montealegre-Aguilar
Stephanie Rojas-Villafuerte
Eduardo Ulloa-Ovares
Pilar Barrantes-Gamboa
Maricruz Linares-Ramírez
Lior Berman-Fernández







Article Details

How to Cite
K. Mora Guzmán, “Revista IDI+ Volumen 2. Issue 2. 2019”, IDIplus, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1–67, Dec. 2019.
Complete Issue

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