Revista IDI+ is edited by the School of Industrial Design of Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. It is a digital journal of scientific nature that publishes research papers in the field of design, it appears in the form of an annual volume made up of two semester issues.

The objective of the Revista IDI+ is the publication and spreading of articles written by researchers, professors, students, professionals and national and foreign experts, in areas related to design.

In Revista IDI+ are received articles corresponding to:

  1. Original and unpublished scientific articles.
  2. Technical reports, standards or specifications.
  3. Presentations or communications to congresses.
  4. Letters to the editor or short articles.
  5. Review articles or states of the art.

Publication guidelines are specified below.

  1. Authors interested in submitting an article for publication in the IDI + Journal must review, in advance, the Editorial Policies of Revista IDI+. Sending of articles does not imply any obligation in their acceptance.
  2. The works must be original, unpublished and written in Spanish. For this, the following declaration of originality and transfer of rights will be used.
  3. Generalities. The length of the paper should be between five and twenty pages 21,5 x 28 cm (8,5 x 11 inches). It must be sent in a Microsoft Word document, with 1,5 line spacing, one column layout, Arial 12 pt font and 2,5 cm margins on all sides.
  4. The paper files must be sent to the following email: with the subject: Artículo para publicar.
  5. Article title. It must have as few words as possible, no more than 20, and express the actual content of the publication. In addition, the title must also be submitted in English.   
  6. Author (s). In the papers, the following must be indicated for each of the authors: 
    1. Author's name and surnames(s): use the first name and, optionally, the middle name initial. For example, Luis Carlos would become Luis C. In case of having two surnames, these must be joined with a hyphen, for example Araya-Rojas. It is recommended to avoid particles that join names and surnames, for example, Emilio de la Banda would remain as Emilio Banda, however in the case of keeping them, hyphens must be included: Emilio de-la-Banda. It is important not to include particles that link different names. Example: María del Mar Valero Ruiz would remain as María M. Valero-Ruiz.
    2. Profession, position or declaration of independent worker / researcher.
    3. Full name of the author's institution or work organization as well as the city and country of origin of said entity.
    4. Email.
    5. ORCID. Author ORCID number must be provided. If you do not have one, you can create one at
    6. In the case of articles with several authors, the researcher who contributed the highest percentage of work to the research should be considered in the first instance, and so on with the other authors.
  7. Abstract. The abstract should be 200 to 250 words long. It must clearly contain the objective of the study, the problem, the procedures or methods used and a summary of the most relevant results and conclusions of the investigation. The abstract must always be presented in Spanish and English.
  8. Keywords. Words that identify the topics studied in the article must be included, they must be presented in Spanish and English, maximum five words, separated by semicolons (;).
  9. Mathematical formulas and equations must be created with the Microsoft Office Equation Editor. Where relevant, the International System of Units will be used.
  10. Bibliographic references. All bibliographic references must appear at the end of the document according to the IEEE format.
  11. Images, graphs and tables. The images and figures must be sent in a separate file from the Microsoft Word document with their respective names. The allowed formats are: .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .psd, .png and .ai. The resolution of each of the images must be at least 150 ppi. The images must be original from the author or, where appropriate, indicate the credits to the respective author of the image. An original main image that reflects the results of the research must be included, said image will be used as the cover of the article and must be in horizontal format. Pictures, tables, and graphics must also be included within the Microsoft Word document.
  12. Anti-plagiarism policies. During the editorial process, all manuscripts submitted to the IDI + Journal will be reviewed with the TEC-Digital plagiarism detection tool, which uses the Turnitin software for its functioning.
  13. Arbitration. The author of the article acquires the commitment to not send it simultaneously to other instances for publication. The Editorial Committee inspects the articles and recommends the modifications and corrections that they consider pertinent or return the articles that do not comply with the quality, originality and content.
  14. Responsibilities. The Editorial Committee is not responsible for the conclusions reached by the authors as a result of their research.
  15. The Editorial Commission of Revista IDI + will not edit the article that does not comply with these requirements.

You can download these posting instructions if you CLICK HERE.

Note: as of the new Volume 3 Number 1, the Editorial Committee of the IDI + Journal decided to change the Bibliographic References to IEEE format.