Design of a smart gadget to assist walking navigation in dense urban environments

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Klaudia María Barquero Villalobos
Mariana Cordero Rojas


As a result of technological advances, the reliance on digital navigation applications to navigate in urban environments has increased significantly. However, this phenomenon has posed significant challenges in terms of user safety and alertness, as the use of these applications requires high levels of cognitive and visual concentration, which can distract users from their immediate surroundings and increase the risk of accidents and theft.

To address this issue, research was initiated to develop Navi, a smart device that combines navigation and safety measures in a single wearable device, significantly improving safety and user experience in urban environments and becoming a reliable travel companion.

The research, from problem identification and target user identification to the development and evaluation of design solutions, followed the School of Industrial Design Engineering approach. To conceptualise an idea, define its functions and form, and develop a functional prototype that would meet the identified needs, a thorough documentary review, interviews and analysis of existing products, ergonomics, perception, functionality and technology were carried out. Prototyping and user testing allowed iteration and refinement of the design to ensure an intuitive and safe user experience.

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How to Cite
K. M. Barquero Villalobos and M. Cordero Rojas, “Design of a smart gadget to assist walking navigation in dense urban environments ”, IDIplus, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 4–19, Dec. 2024.

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