
On behalf of the organizing committee of IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC) 2021 we would like to welcome you to the third edition, which has been planned and organized this year as a virtual event given the challenging circumstances, we all are facing all over the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

LAEDC is the Flagship conference for EDS in Region 9 and offers an enriching opportunity to learn about many of the fields related to Electron Devices and novel technologies with more than 65 technical presentations, including 3 keynote lectures, 30 invited speakers, 30 scientific papers, a free of charge MOS-AK workshop, 12 poster presentations, and 2 panel sessions in topics related to Humanitarian Technology, HAC, and Women in Engineering, WIE.

The Conference is growing with worldwide participation with presentations from 27 countries and with the full financial sponsorship of the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS). It is primarily geared for students as well as young researchers, with the main goal of bringing together specialists from all Electron Device related fields.

This special issue is focused on the posters related to EDS topics and humanitarian projects developed in Latin America presented at the conference.

We are confident that thanks to your active participation and tangible contributions your attendance will significantly add to the value of the conference and motivate research groups and young students in the field of Electron devices.


Esteban Arias-Méndez

Posters & Projects Chair, IEEE LAEDC 2021

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

EDS Costa Rica

Mario A. Aleman

General Chair, IEEE LAEDC 2021

EDS Nicaragua